Peace & Democracy

happy halloween,

we hope all of our friends in the US are safe and were not harmed by hurricane Sandy.

our labelmate and soulbrother Astroboter will soon release his Beat Sutras Vol.1 on tape (yes, real tape) and digital download. it´s a great collection of beats and sound ideas based on samples, twisted and cut together by our man Astroboter. he just sent us this video for one of the tunes on Beat Sutras Vol.1 and we have to say that this fits to the zeitgeist of people all over the world who want nothing more than peace and democracy. how far can peace go? do we really live in a democracy? greed is getting stronger on planet earth and most wars get started because of claim of territory, religion or oil. at the end of the day it all means power. but it´s the power and wealth of just a few and not the majority of a nation, not by the real people and citizens of a country. the normal people just wanna live in peace, with respect for each other. they want their voices to be heard. they want their voices to count. that´s democracy.

let´s not only pray for more peace and democracy, let´s unite and spread love!!!

Respect The Herb

Greetings fellow earthlings,

this time we bring you some musical furs to lift you right up into the sky:

It´s a FREE download in exchange for your emailadress. This one is dedicated to all herbalists, Reggae and Hip Hop headz out there.

Forward we say !!!
